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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Meeting New People

Our neighborhood will periodically have what they call, "neighborhood dinners".  This is where a bunch of people sign up saying they'd like to attend a neighborhood dinner, and one neighbor will host everyone over.  You try to divide out everyone equally, and pair up family's that might not know each other.  Every family is responsible to bring some sort of dish, be it a dessert, main course, sides, drinks, or whatevers.

My wife and I had the opportunity to attend one of these, "neighborhood dinners" tonight.  I'll be upfront and say, that I don't care to go to them and I'll always put up a fight with my wife.  But I end up going reluctantly, and of course by the end, I end up having a good time.

As I think about it, this is something to really help expand your network, and really get to know the people around you.  All too often, do we go throughout life, not knowing who our "neighbors" are.  Yes, you may see them on the street and wave and what not, but how often are we taking the time to really "get to know" them.  I think this is a huge missed opportunity if we don't take the time to meet our neighbors.  I believe everyone out there, no matter what facet of life they come from, has something they can offer.  This life was meant for us to be happy.  And I can't think of better ways than to spend it with not only our family, but our neighbors too.  You can learn so much from others, just by listening to what they have to say.  I love being able to take other people's perspectives, and add it to my life.  I know I'm not perfect, but can only get better by learning from those around me.

I think it's imperative to our well being to meet new and exciting people.  We have to get out of our comfort zones.  Everyone needs a friend or 2 or 3 or a whole lot more.  So I exert all of you to get out and meet a new person every week.  Nothing but good can come out of it, and it can only help to improve your well being.

Thanks for reading!

What do you do to meet new people?

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